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Match #1 - Buscus Brawl: Zore vs Nuffkins[]

Result: Nuffkins pins Zore

Scene 2:

ImmortanJoe is Backstage with Loki they talk about the upcoming match and how great Junpei's booking is and how much they want to see Palpy suffer, then Lazyfire's Ghost appears. They think the ghost wants to tell them to not succumb to anger, instead Lazyfire says to murder that fucker good at his own PPV

Match #2 - LP Superstar title #1 contenders Fatal 4 way elimination match: Dr Rath vs Punchy vs Boob Marley vs Immortan Joe[]

Result: Boob Marley conquers all

Scene 3: Schir, in his old outfit, is seen talking to some people among them a security guard, he complains that he's the only one dressing up for halloween again, it turns out he isn't so alone after all.

Match #3 - Ladder match: BFC vs Pyroi[]

Result: Pyroi Holy Shit

Match #4 - Kawaii #1 contenders match: Grim Darkflame vs DivineCoffeeBinge[]

Result: Darkflame pins DCB

Scene 4: Junpei approaches Eclectic Tastes to challenge him for a friendly exhibition match between the leaders of ORAnime and ORAdical, but it's also about the title so I guess it's not a friendly exhibition. But junpei insists it's friendly as he does not bring the flaming tables. ET is actually a little sad.

Match #5 - LP Superstar title match: Junpei Hyde vs Eclectic Tastes[]

Result: Junpei pins ET! We have a new champion!

Match #6 - LPFWA title match: Fred Hope vs Flamander[]

Result: Flamander takes the belt, holy shit! With the worm! fuck Yeah!


Non-canon Match#0 - Undertaker match: The Undertaker vs. Emperor Palpatine[]

Result: Palpatine wins I guess
